Head Injuries

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Sudden accidents can result in devastating injuries. If an accident causes a catastrophic or permanent disability, it’s essential for the victim to ensure that he or she receives compensation for future medical care and, potentially, lost wages. This is especially true if the victim suffered from a penetrating head injury.

Causes and Issues Associated with Penetrating Head Injuries

Similar to a closed head wound, a penetrating head injury is considered a traumatic brain injury. A penetrating head injury occurs when a foreign object penetrates the skull and damages specific areas of the brain. These injuries can occur in virtually any type of accident, but they are very common in motor vehicle accidents. Motorcyclists in particular are prone to suffering penetrating head injuries if they are struck by a vehicle or truck, or thrown from their motorcycle. Bus and truck collisions can also result in penetrating head injuries due to the massive size of these vehicles. In some situations, accidents on property can lead to these injuries as well, such as if a person slips and falls or is struck by a falling object.

A penetrating head injury is life-threatening if the victim does not receive prompt medical attention. If the wound is addressed in time, the victim may still face a lifetime of devastating disabilities. If there was a strong impact associated with the penetration, the individual may face cognitive impairments, such as memory loss, personality changes, depression, trouble sleeping, or chronic headaches. This can make it difficult, if not impossible, for the victim to return to his or her usual occupation. Even more devastatingly, it can significantly reduce his or her quality of life and ability to engage in and enjoy the same activities as before the accident.

Bring a Personal Injury Claim to Recover Damages

If you or someone you love was injured in an accident that involved a penetrating head injury, there are likely significant medical bills and other expenses associated with the injury. Missouri law allows accident victims to recover compensation by filing a negligence action against the person who caused the accident. In this lawsuit, your Columbia personal injury lawyer will need to show that the defendant did not use the required level of care and skill at the time of the accident and that this failure caused your injuries. The standard of care that applies depends on the scenario. In a car accident, for example, the standard of care requires drivers to pay attention to the roadway, to refrain from distracted driving habits, and to obey all traffic laws. 

Once you prove that the defendant’s lack of appropriate care caused the injuries, the lawsuit will turn to establishing the amount of compensation that is required. Victims can seek compensation for past and current medical expenses, as well as ongoing medical care costs. If the victim’s injury renders him or her unable to return to work or to accept a different position with less pay, lawyers can request compensation to offset this financial stress. It can be difficult to predict how much compensation the victim will require, which is why it is often necessary to retain an expert life care planner to ensure an appropriate amount is requested.

Get Advice from a Knowledgeable Personal Injury Lawyer

At the Law Office of Matt Uhrig, we have seen how devastating a penetrating head injury can be for a victim and his or her family. Our team can assist with gathering evidence, identifying witnesses, negotiating with insurance companies, and more. But above all, our first priority will be you and your family.