How To Recover Compensation After A Pin-In Car Accident

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In serious car accidents, such as high-speed crashes or rollover accidents, it’s common for passengers to be pinned inside their vehicle or against another object. When heavy pieces of metal pin someone in place, they can suffer from severe, or even fatal, injuries. If you or someone you love went through an accident like this, our team understands how devastating it can be. Here’s how we can help.

Common Injuries in a Pin-In Car Accident 

Responders may need to use powerful tools and other equipment to extract passengers trapped inside the vehicle. Because these tools are so powerful, they can cause additional injuries to the passenger trapped inside the vehicle. These injuries may be minor and heal over time, but it is sadly very common for passengers to suffer from permanent disabilities or conditions. Some of the injuries that victims of pin-in accidents may face include broken ribs or other bones, concussions and head trauma, compound fractures, severe lacerations, or paralysis. Internal injuries are also common and can be life-threatening if they are not identified and treated promptly. 

Recover Compensation for Your Personal Injuries and Expenses

Victims of pin-in car accidents can face countless financial costs. These include medical bills, missed wages, and ongoing costs associated with permanent health problems. Missouri law allows the victim to file a personal injury action against the person who caused the accident. This allows the victim to receive payments to cover the expenses associated with the accident.

In the lawsuit, you and your attorney have to show that the other driver did not use reasonable care and skill in operating his or her vehicle and that this caused the accident to take place. Some of the most frequent reasons that drivers cause accidents include distracted driving and drunk driving. 

If you successfully show that the driver did not drive with appropriate care, you must next prove that this was the cause of the injuries that occurred. If the driver can show that some other factor was the primary cause of the injuries, such as the plaintiff’s own negligence, you may not receive compensation. Upon proving this causal connection, you will be asked to offer evidence that shows the amount of compensation that is needed to cover losses, such as medical bills, lost wages, and reduced earning capacity. If the injuries are serious and result in lifelong disabilities, you can also seek compensation for future medical care needs. In many cases, this requires getting an expert witness to testify about the expenses that will likely occur.

Meet with a Dedicated Car Accident Attorney in Mid-Missouri

If you or someone you love has been injured in a pin-in car accident, you will also likely need to deal with insurance companies and claims adjusters, who do not usually have your best interests in mind. At the Law Office of Matt Uhrig, we do have your best interests in mind.