Jackknife Accidents


Large trucks serve a beneficial purpose, but they can also pose a significant danger to motorists on the road. One of the most common ways that trucks can cause serious harm is a jackknife accident. This occurs when an 18-wheeler or semi-truck skids out of control and causes the trailer to swing to one side at an angle that resembles a jackknife. This type of dangerous maneuver occurs most frequently when roads are slippery or wet.

Dedicated Columbia truck accident lawyer Matt Uhrig has advised and represented many victims who have been struck by a negligent trucker. Matt Uhrig can help you, too.

Pursuing Compensation after a Truck Accident

To seek compensation after being involved in a truck accident, you can file a personal injury case against the truck driver responsible for the collision, as well as the trucking company that employed the driver. This usually means that you will be required to prove that the driver acted negligently at the time of the accident. Truck drivers are required to operate their massive vehicles with the same degree of care that a reasonable and prudent driver would use in a similar situation. For example, if the road conditions are slippery and wet or there is severe weather, a prudent driver would likely reduce his or her speed. A reasonable truck driver would also execute turns carefully and keep appropriate distances from other vehicles on the road.

If the plaintiff can prove that the driver violated a statute or an applicable traffic regulation at the time of the crash, the plaintiff is entitled to use a rebuttable presumption, or an assumption, that the defendant operated his or her truck negligently. Also, if the driver was operating the truck while working, the plaintiff can try to hold the trucking company that employs the driver liable as well. This doctrine is known as respondent superior or vicarious liability.

In some cases, jackknifing occurs more through the fault of the trucking company than the driver. Truck drivers should receive training on how to brake in emergency situations. But if a trucking company fails to give its drivers the appropriate training to handle these situations, the trucking company may be held directly liable for the plaintiff’s injuries.

After showing that the truck driver or trucking company acted negligently, the plaintiff must show that this breach was the direct cause of the crash and his or her resulting injuries. The plaintiff will need to submit evidence supporting the damages that he or she is claiming in the action, such as medical expenses, missed wages, property damage, pain and suffering, loss of future earning capacity, and diminished quality of life.

Contact an Experienced Missouri Truck Accident Lawyer

If you or someone you love has suffered injuries in a jackknife accident, you may be entitled to compensation. Experienced personal injury attorney Matt Uhrig has guided many truck accidents throughout Missouri, including Ashland, Columbia, and Jefferson City. Our office provides a free consultation to assist you in learning about your legal options, and we do not recover any fees unless we obtain a favorable result for you. Let us know if you need our help.