Your First Call After a Car Accident

In the moments after a car accident, it isn’t easy to have clarity on how you’re doing, what happened, and how to respond. So here are some guidelines concerning who to call after a wreck.

Call the police

This is critical to ensuring your accident is properly and legally documented. Obtaining a police statement about the severity of the car accident and the facts of the scene can be a huge benefit to proving that you’re not at fault later. 

Call an attorney

If you were involved in a car accident that you feel was due to someone else’s negligence, you should always call an attorney. As soon as the other individual reports the claim to their insurance, that insurance company will contact you, and it’s best to have an attorney to help you with those interactions. 

How can an attorney assist you?

There are many ways an attorney can help you after an accident. Overall, your attorney can guide you through your agreement with an insurance company, particularly if it becomes complicated or contentious. Your attorney can step in if you’re denied a claim for coverage that you’ve paid for or before the issue has been investigated. If a provider fails to pay the claim in a timely manner, give you a proper explanation, or if the other party is uninsured, it’s crucial to have an attorney at your side to make sure you’re not being taken advantage of.

What if your injuries are minor?

You should still call an attorney. At the time of the wreck, you don’t know what minor injuries could lead to major issues down the road, and it’s uncertain what damages your insurance company will pay for. Unfortunately, things can escalate and get complicated quickly, so it’s always better to communicate with your attorney as early as possible, despite the severity of your injuries.

How do you prove you’re not at fault?

An attorney can help you with this. To prove you’re not at fault in an accident, you’ll need to submit evidence that speaks to your innocence, such as; a police report that cites the other driver for an infraction, eyewitness statements from non-family members, photographs and video footage, and the other driver’s signed admission of guilt.

Call your insurance provider

While still at the scene, call your insurance provider or utilize their mobile app if they have one. This way, you ensure you have exactly what they need to file the claim. They can also arrange for your car to be towed to a certified body shop. Remember that anything communicated to insurance can be misconstrued, sway their willingness to help you, and be used against you later on. 

Keep these tips in mind for the future, and schedule a consultation with Matt Uhrig to start the conversation and feel more secure.