Dealing with Serious Injuries

If you were injured in an accident, you may be entitled to compensation

Sadly, serious injuries happen far too frequently. These injuries are often the result of a person or company who refuses to abide by the law, like when a large corporation knowingly releases a dangerous product or a driver takes his eyes off the road to send a text and veers into oncoming traffic. In these cases, arming yourself with valuable legal information is the best way to receive compensation.

Lack of Financial Resources Can Burden Those Seriously Injured

These injuries take many forms, but traumatic brain injuries are among the most devastating. According to a survey conducted in part by the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services, more than 14,000 Missourians are treated for a traumatic brain injury each year. The survey indicated that many survivors of traumatic brain injuries are not able to live their lives the way they wanted, with more than 60 percent saying that the reason is insufficient financial resources. People who have been seriously injured because someone else failed to abide by a legal duty have a right to seek compensation for their injuries. 

Missouri Law Protects Victims With Personal Injuries

When a person or company fails to abide by a legally imposed duty, injured victims have the right to file a lawsuit against the party responsible for their injuries. 

For example, car accident victims may seek damages for serious injuries sustained in crashes caused by negligence. Everyone on the road owes a duty to other drivers and passengers to behave reasonably behind the wheel. A driver who sends a text message, a trucker who drives on too little sleep, or a trucking company that overloads its trucks have all breached their respective duties. If one of these actors causes an accident that seriously injures other people, the victims of the accident can file a negligence lawsuit and collect damages. 

Many people suffer serious injuries because of dangerous conditions on the property of another person. Business owners who invite customers into stores have a special responsibility to keep the property safe for guests. For example, falling merchandise that seriously injures a customer may be considered a dangerous condition that the property owner should have discovered. This can make the property owner liable under Missouri law.

Just as stores in which people shop should be free from dangers, the products on the shelves must also be safe. Manufacturers who allow defective products into the marketplace that injure people, can be held liable for designing a product with a dangerous flaw, committing manufacturing errors that render a product unreasonably dangerous, or failing to warn consumers of the dangers associated with a product’s use. 

The Law Office of Matt Uhrig has faced many of these cases and has been known to track down defective products online, purchase them, and bring them to the courtroom. We did this with an operating table that collapsed on one of our clients, resulting in serious injuries. Having the physical product helped us demonstrate just how poorly it was built, and made our case that much stronger. 

Receive Compensation for Serious Injuries

If the plaintiff files a successful lawsuit against another person or company who failed to abide by the law, financial compensation for serious injuries may be available. The defendant must reimburse the plaintiff for expenses such as hospital bills, lost wages, and property damage. In addition, the plaintiff can collect compensation for  enduring pain and suffering. Plaintiffs may also be entitled to punitive damages. These are damages intended to punish defendants who act willfully or recklessly.

Trust a Lawyer with Significant Trial Experience

Serious injuries are grueling, and no amount of compensation will make up for the pain that has been inflicted. But receiving well deserved payments can make recovery less stressful. Unfortunately, even when defendants are clearly in the wrong, many refuse to offer a settlement. When facing this injustice, know that we’re always on your side.